


今天一早收到卓瑪師兄發回來的《宗薩欽哲仁波切答弟子問》的完稿,感恩卓瑪師兄的辛勤付出和前後聯繫,更感恩姚仁喜先生的專業校對,當然,最感恩的是  宗薩欽哲仁波切對我們大陸弟子的關愛。這篇問答將會正式登在   宗薩欽哲仁波切的大陸官網上,多多在這裡近水樓台,先拿來與大家分享一番,希望有所饒益。頂禮大恩  宗薩欽哲仁波切!





First of all, I’d like to send my greetings and best wishes from India where I am at the moment. There have been a lot of the questions and greetings from China, I’d like to offer my gratitude. I may not be able to answer all questions, but I'm hoping that along the lines as I speak, to some of the questions, the others will be taken care of. And also the orders of the questions are completely kind of chaotic, but I hope people will make a sense of what I'm talking about. Now some of the questions are quite general and actually quite big, like 「how to achieve liberation」, 「how to practice」, 「how to unify work and then live, and then practice」.



These are of course something that we need to answer, again and again, and we need to discuss. I guess having these conversations, not only with myself but, not only conversations but having enthusiasm to attain enlightenment, attain liberation. Trying to find a way of how to do it, at times getting challenged by all kinds of outer-inner obstacles, and then of course losing inspiration, and then next we feeling guilty of losing inspiration, and then trying to recover that lost inspiration. I think these are inevitable process of Dharma practice, the only thing I can say is we just have to continue.



And I feel very touched that there are so many people in China who does seem to have a interest and does seem to want to invest time and energy in the spiritual path. Because you know this degenerated time, the world is becoming so material, people don't see the value of spiritual path. Yet if you entirely sort of surrender ourselves to the material world, then we know where the world is heading, I mean so much we have achieved, scientifically and materially, there are things that we you know our ancestor used to talk about as a legend or as a myth or as a story, but now we can do it such as climbing to the moon, such as going round the world within like 24 hours.



We have achieved those, but if the material achievement is the answer, then the answer has to really materialize now, for we all know that’s not happening in fact, because all these materialistic achievement from one angle the world is getting more dangerous and more unsafe, and you know as we all say: poor people are getting more poor, rich people are getting more rich, but you know even these rich people who are getting more and more rich, are they really happy? That’s one question that we have to ask. So for these general questions I would say just keep asking question, even though you may think that you have already got the answer.



There’s a specific question like abortion, I am in a way glad that I haven’t answer this question soon enough, because I hope the girl who is pregnant has decided to keep the baby. I think as the person is asking, once we know that it’s a being, and taking a life off that being is considered a negative action, so I will not suggest you go through the abortion, now this might raise an interesting question for some of you because, what I want to advise to the young people like this one . I will go very straight, if you really don't want to go through these kind consequence of abortions and all that, I would highly suggest you, of course not to have sex, of course not, but you should really use all kinds of available contraception so that you don't have to go though this abortion business.



 〔注〕 此處開示的翻譯,爭議較大,我們正在努力取得仁波切的確認。


There’s also questions about whether they could practice according to my teaching, since they can’t really see me face to face. I would say some of the practice such as Samatha and Vipasyana, especially Samatha, you can actually begin doing it because it’s not really complicated, you just have to sit, and basically sitting as much as possible and then watching your mind. When I say watch mind, not following the mind, not sort of day dreaming, but whatever a thought come just noticing, acknowledging and not doing any thing about it just watching. Now this you can already begin to do it.



But in the future, if you really want to practice, especially Vajrayana,, it is always good to have some kind of instructions. And I’d like to tell you that many of the people whom I'm receiving these messages from, have ask me whether I would consider to be their teacher. Now of course first I’d like to tell you I will do what I can and whatever I can of course I'm happy to do , this is the path that I’ve chosen to help being. Even though most of the time my wish of helping sentient  beings dose not necessarily come genuinely. So I will say you know, I will take this as an opportunity for my own practice in this sort of gesture of teaching other people. But I have to give you warning which is , first of all I am not at all qualified definitely not as a Vajrayana master, but even as a Sravakayana level. Because if you go through all these qualities of the master, genuinely and honestly I don't think there is anything that I have. What I do, might have is, I may have received lots of teachings from many great masters, and I may know a slightly more information than many of you, so this is something that I can share as the time goes.And if that is what you are counting on then I will try my best to do so, but if you are thinking of a master who can actually sort of by the touch of the finger, you know turn yourself into some kind of enlighten being then you are looking at the wrong person.



And besides that I'm also completely un-reliable as a human being, many times you know I disappear, I hide myself, I'm very selfish. And so, so-called the students of mine you can ask them, they have suffered a lot through this consequence. So this is something that you should keep in your mind. And on the top of that, what I want to also suggest is that becoming a student of a teacher, from my point of view has got nothing to do with the ownership. My predecessor, supposely my predecessor great Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Jamyang Khyentse Ch?kyi Lodr?, and the great masters such as, actually many, many great masters of the past they have so many master themselves. Like Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo actually talks about having about hundred and thirteen gurus, masters. And Jamgong Kongtrul Rinpoche Lodro Thayealmost the same. So what this indicates is that just because you have become my student that this does not mean that you are like you have become like some kind of my possession that you need to get my permission to receive teachings, initiations from other gurus so that you can’t become other people’s student, this is not the case. So in fact from my personal human mind’s point of view I would rather you choose some really good other teachers, so if I fail at lease you have some one to hang on or rely upon and this is a strong suggest.



There’s also question from a TV director and writer who wants to become a monk-whether he should become a monk or not. Well, of course I think to become a monk is such a great thing to do, Buddha said when you become a monk you become Son of the Sakya,,heir of the Sakya, which means you know it’s like a family, you become the Buddha family. But if I may, may I suggest you maybe consider becoming a monk in places like Burma, or Sri Lanka, or I heard that in China in Yunnan province, there is the Sravakayana tradition, the monk tradition. The reason why I suggest this is because



Sravakayana tradition has this short term monk’s vow, so you can try out let say about a year, two months, I don't know-even a week I think. And then if you really think that you can do it, then maybe you can consider becoming a monk even you know for a Tibetan tradition. But you know my preference is you know Sravakayana tradition such as from Burma, Sri Lanka, Thailand, because I really think that the Tibetan Vinaya is basically almost becoming a smoke, it’s almost like going going going and almost gone. That’s all I can say at the moment, ok?



And then, there’s also a sincere and urgent question about how the person is middle aged person, and he doesn’t want to waste time, and you know how should he practice. Now it’s very good attitude, this urgency you know thinking that we don't have time, is such a valuable, wholesome attitude, you should always have that. Because most of the people, even though they are ninety-years old, they still think that they have time. Yes, so how do we do it, how do we practice, since we have already gone passed our middle age? Now, actually you know Buddha Dharma is not like you have to finish lots and lots of different kind of layers of like, for instance like



You know like if you haven’t finished your kindergarten then you can’t do the high school, if you don't have the diploma of the high school then you can’t do university, not like that! You know it’s completely individual, so it’s not like just because somebody like myself who’s basically born in a Buddhist family and then grow up as a Buddhist all these time, does not mean I am faster then yourself who’s just maybe beginning to practice the Buddhismwhen you’re in mid-fifties let say, or forties late-forties. You know it’s completely individual, so you don't have to discourage yourself thinking that maybe it’s already too late. Besides, there’s also many wonderful paths. But what I can suggest is you should practice the Bodhichitta path, so I will suggest you to read Santideva’s book, receive teachings if it’s possible, and do like the Shiney or the Samatha meditation, and then try to create the compassion again and again, because that’s like the quintessence of all the Buddha’s teaching


發佈時間: 2007-10-28




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